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Leah is a Clinical Nutritionist, with a deep connection to

holistic health and wellness. 


Personally she experienced food intolerance's, auto-immune conditions and reproductive challenges. Leah has the desire to ease the frustration and pain she once faced, and believes you have the right to be empowered by your food choice. 



"I see patients as unique, with different goals, values, lifestyles, genetics and environments. Individualised health plans support physical, environmental, emotional, social, economic and spiritual needs of patients.

Holistic consultations provide education and

support for lifelong well-being"

Meet Leah
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What is Clinical Nutrition?

An evidenced based approach underpins the philosophy of health care within clinical nutrition. Practitioners utilise scientific research and traditional medicine to guide and inform treatments. This encompasses a holistic vision, highlighting physical, environmental, emotional, social, economic and spiritual needs of patients.


Clinical nutritionists support prevention and management of health conditions. Utilising comprehensive assessments of health to identify the underlying causes of illness. The practitioner and patient work collaboratively to create a natural, non-invasive therapy to address health concerns.


In order to understand each client on a deeper level, standard or functional testing may be used. As health is never a fixed state, consultations are used to adapt and enhance treatment plans to ensure patients move into a new state of being,

empowered by their food choice.

Special Interest's
Health Education
Digestion Support
Hormone Health 
Energy Enhancement 
Weight Management 
Sports & Dance Nutrition
Social Media
"The food you eat can be either the safest and the most powerful form of medicine or the slowest form of poison"
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